
vrijdag 26 juni 2015

La-La Land Crafts - New Release June 2015

Team Friday is vandaag weer aan de beurt en dit is het kaartje dat ik gemaakt heb: 

Dit is Sweet Molli, gepaperpieced, en dit zijn de snijmallen die ik heb gebruikt: Double Stitched Hills Border (set of 2) - op de rand van het design papier, Scalloped Trim Banner Die en
Flower Banner Die, maar ook de Stitched Nested Circles (set of 7) Die.

Nogmaals de foto's met alle nieuwe stempels en dies, die al hier te bestellen zijn:

Deze Gift Bag hoort bij het kaartje, ik heb het setje voor een vriendin van mijn dochter gemaakt:

And the last day for showcasing the new La-La Land stamps and dies. My card features Sweet Molli and these dies, all of them now available in store here:
Double Stitched Hills Border (set of 2),
Scalloped Trim Banner Die,
Flower Banner Die
from a previous release.

Remember to join in all the La-La Land Crafts fun by adding

your creations to our Facebookpage and Twitter and for

more Inspiration we are now on Pinterest.
Thank you again for stopping by and the nice comments.

donderdag 25 juni 2015

La-La Land Crafts - New Release June 2015

Nieuwe stempels en dies deze week en dit zijn ze:

Op mijn voorbeeldkaartje heb ik Morning Coffee Molli gebruikt:

Colour pencils:
Hair: Prisma PC1093, PC1081;
Skin: Prisma PC939, Derwent C130;
Dress and shoes: Prisma PC1017, PC935, PC1084;
Mug: Prisma PC1084, PC1019;
Cat: Prisma PC1072, PC935.

New Release Week in La-La Land and, as you already know, we are introducing Molli! Five new stamps and six new dies sets and they are all available now in store here.

Remember to join in all the La-La Land Crafts fun by adding
your creations to our Facebookpage and Twitter and for
more Inspiration we are now on Pinterest.
And please pop back tomorrow, I have another card to share. Thank you.

vrijdag 19 juni 2015

Inspiration Friday

Het thema van deze week was ''Father/ Masculine''. Ik heb twee stempels op mijn kaart gebruikt - Building Birdhouse Luka (with sentiments) en Handyman Luka (with sentiments)-, ik vind de twee Luka zo leuk samen: de ene kijkt naar links, de andere naar rechts, ze zitten allebei te klussen en misschien willen ze elkaar helpen:

De kaart is veel mooier in het echt! 

Colour pencils:
Skin: Prisma Premier PC939, Derwent Coloursoft C130;
Hair: Derwent Coloursoft C530, Prisma Premier PC1081;
Outfit Birdhouse Luka: Prisma Premier PC1074, PC1093, PC1056;
Birdhouse and Hammer: Prisma Premier PC1031, PC988, PC1070;
Outfit Handyman Luka: Prisma Premier PC988, PC1056, PC1070;
Tools and Belt: Prisma Premier PC1031, PC1070, PC1093, PC941.

This week's theme was ''Father/Masculine''. My card features two stamps - Building Birdhouse Luka (with sentiments) en Handyman Luka (with sentiments) - and I wanted to use them together on the same project for a long time and finally I did it! Don't they look nice together?

You can play along and join all the La La Land Crafts fun over on our Facebook Page, where you can post all your La-La Land creations and don't forget you can also find us over on Twitter!
Have a great weekend and thank you again for stopping by and the nice comments.


dinsdag 16 juni 2015

La-La Land Crafts June 2015 Club Kit

Dit is de June Kit dus, weer een hele leuke:

Ik heb twee voorbeelden gemaakt. Marci is gepaperpieced, op de eerste kaart heb ik de mooie Eline's Peach & Mint paper pad gebruikt, op de tweede een paper pad van Little Yellow Bicycle - Boardwalk (die komt uit een Card Art kit van Carmen, van enkele jaren geleden):

Colour pencils:
Skin: Prisma Premier PC939, Derwent Coloursoft C130;
Hair: Derwent Coloursoft C530, Prisma Premier PC1081.

Colour pencils:
Skin: Prisma Premier PC939, Derwent Coloursoft C130;
Hair: Derwent Coloursoft C530, Prisma Premier PC1081.
Hi ladies, I have two projects to share this morning and both feature the La-La Land Club Kit - June 2015,  I hope you like them. 

We have more DT inspiration over on the La-La Land Crafts Blog today.

Make sure to join us each Tuesday for more inspiration using the Club Kit products! You can find us on our Facebook group and page and you can also see all of our Design Team projects on our Pinterest boards
Thank you again for stopping by and the nice comments!

vrijdag 12 juni 2015

Inspiration Friday

Het thema van deze week was ''Use a Clock''. Ik heb ''Time Flies Marci (with sentiments)'' ingekleurd met Prisma en Derwent potloden en de tekst is van MFT.

Colour pencils:
Skin: Prisma Premier PC939, Derwent Coloursoft C130;
Hair: Derwent Coloursoft C530, Prisma Premier PC1081;
Dress: Prisma Premier PC1072, Derwent Coloursoft C530;
Jacket: Derwent Coloursoft C600;
Shoes: PrismaPremier PC947;
Clock: Prisma Premier PC1072, Derwent Coloursoft C530;
Glasses: Prisma Premier PC1056, Derwent Coloursoft C530.

''Use a Clock'' is this week's theme. ''Time Flies Marci (with sentiments)'' was just perfect for this challenge.

You can play along and join all the La La Land Crafts fun over on our Facebook Page, where you can post all your La-La Land creations and don't forget you can also find us over on Twitter!
Have a great weekend and thank you again for stopping by and the nice comments.